Then spake Jesus saying, "He that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life." John 8:12

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

August 10: And if He received not my Spirit, He shall not preach

Today we taught Meri, our hardest investigator. She has been praying to find out if what we have taught her is true, but says she hasn’t received an answer yet. We’ve asked her how she has received her answers in the past, and she said that she has seen things, like a little light, etc. Hermano Javier came with us and he was awesome as always, but for some reason, Meri was out to fight. She was getting mad at everything he said, and or a few minutes is looked like there was gonna be a showdown. And we were just like, “What do we do?” because she was almost yelling.

But Hermano Javier didn’t give in to the bait, and when there was a small pause we started to teach. And she calmed down and listened. At the end, we simply said, “I know it’s hard to believe. I’ve been there. I wish I could just take out of my mind and heart what I know and give it to you, because I see you battling to figure it all out. But that battle is an important part of the process.”

She asked me to give the last prayer, and partway through, I felt a very special tranquility. When I finished, Hermano Javier said, “I felt the Spirit,” but the best part was when Meri said, “I saw a little light.” It was the first time in all our lessons where she accepted her answer—because she always denies the Spirit. She has been waiting and waiting for a manifestation, and I know the Lord sent her that little light.

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