Then spake Jesus saying, "He that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life." John 8:12

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

5 January - Happy 2015!

Most of us are working on our New Year’s Resolutions. Today we had an activity with our Zone and we all went around the circle sharing what our resolutions were last year and what they are this year. Idk how many people actually remembered their resolutions from last year and how many people bluffed like me haha. Every year we start out fresh and excited, and somewhere along the year we stop striving to achieve them… we don’t even remember what they were! Hahaha it’s funny but it’s also not. How are we gonna achieve anything working like that?

This year I’m working on a paper chain. Like the ones at Christmas time, except the chain represents 2015. There are only 12 links—one for each month. So that right now, while I have all my ideas, I make a plan. So that I take steps each month to reach my goal. So that when 2015 ends, I actually remember what my 2015 New Year’s Resolutions were—and I have worked steadily towards them. So that these desires I have become reality.

I don’t even know why I’m writing about goals to you guys. Every single one of you is an example to me in this area. Each of you inspires me with your tenacity and the magnitude of the goals you set. Your high goals represent your faith in yourselves and in the ennobling and enabling power of the Atonement. When I think of your examples, one word comes to mind: relentless.  

Keep being relentless. Don’t let anything get in the way of a worthy goal. The drop does not erode the stone because of its force, but because of its consistency. And don’t try to accomplish your goals alone. I can’t do everything, but I know Someone who can. And He can make more of a man than any man without Him ever could.

29 December - A Couple Christmas Pictures

Me with all my Christmas presents—THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH:DDD!

Christmas Day we had a district meeting and then we played truth or dare Jenga (the blue blocks are truths, the red blocks are dares, and the white blocks are freebies)

Hehehe my companion with her stocking from Mom, we had twin sister missionary stockings! So cute, I loved them so much! Oh the things Mormons think of to sell : )